Friday, July 24, 2009

Biography of Susan Eisenhower - Granddaughter of Dwight D. Eisenhower

Susan Susan EisenhowerSusan Eisenhower is President of the Eisenhower Group, Inc, which provides strategic counsel on political, business and public affairs projects. Ms. Eisenhower has consulted for major companies doing business overseas such as IBM, American Express, Diebold Corporation and Loral Space Systems and she is a Senior Director of Stonebridge International, a Washington-based international consulting firm chaired by former National Security Advisor, Samuel "Sandy"

At the same time, she is a Distinguished Fellow of the Eisenhower Institute, where she served as both president and chairman. After more than twenty years in the foreign affairs field she is best known for her work in Russia and the former Soviet Union. During that time, Ms. Eisenhower has testified before the Senate Armed Services and Senate Budget Committees on policy toward that region. She has also been appointed to the National Academy of Sciences' standing Committee on International Security and Arms Control (CISAC) where she is now serving a fourth term. In 2000, a year before September 11, she co-edited a book, Islam and Central Asia, which carried the prescient subtitle, An Enduring Legacy or an Evolving Threat?

Ms. Eisenhower has served on many government task forces. In the spring of 2000, the Secretary of Energy appointed Ms. Eisenhower to a blue ribbon task force, the Baker-Cutler Commission, to evaluate U.S. funded nuclear non-proliferation programs in Russia, and since that time she has served as an advisor on another DOE study. In the fall of 2001, after serving two terms on the NASA Advisory Council she was appointed to serve on the International Space Station Management and Cost Evaluation Task Force, which analyzed ISS management and cost overruns. She is currently a member of the Secretary of Energy's Task Force on Nuclear Energy. She has also served as an Academic Fellow of the International Peace and Security program of Carnegie Corporation of New York, and is a director of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace and the Nuclear Threat Initiative, co-chaired by Senator Sam Nunn and Ted Turner.

Susan Eisenhower has spoken at many diverse types of gatherings: from Harvard and UCLA; World Affairs Councils; and corporate gatherings; to specialist audiences, such as the one assembled at the Army War College, where she gave the 1998 Commandant's Lecture. She has also given full speeches, by invitation, at other prominent places, such as: the National Press Club, the Smithsonian Institution, the National Archives, the Hollywood Bowl, The French National Assembly, and the White House.

Ms. Eisenhower's first professional experience was as a writer. In the 1970s Ms. Eisenhower lived overseas for six years, first while a student at the American University in Paris and then as a London resident and stringer for The Saturday Evening Post. Later she wrote a column for Wolfe Newspapers and went on to write for business. Within the last ten years, Ms. Eisenhower has authored three books: two of which, Breaking Free and Mrs. Ike, have appeared on regional best seller lists. She has also edited four collected volumes on regional security issues – the most recent, Partners in Space (2004) – and penned hundreds of op-eds and articles on foreign policy for publications such as The Washington Post, The Los Angeles Times, USA Today, the Naval Institute's Proceedings, The London Spectator, and Gannett Newspapers. She has provided analysis for CNN International, MSNBC, Nightline, World News Tonight with Peter Jennings, This Week with David Brinkley, CBS Sunday Morning, Good Morning America, The News Hour with Jim Lehrer, Fox News and Hardball, as well NPR and other nation-wide television and radio programs.

Susan Eisenhower: Barack is the best choice

Susan Eisenhower: Republican for Obama